Vlatko Stojkovski, Developer in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Vlatko is available for hire
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Vlatko Stojkovski

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Toptal Member Since
July 18, 2017

Vlatko is a passionate programmer, an AI lover, 以及在设计和构建符合敏捷方法的系统和流程方面经验丰富的终身学习者, test-driven development, and continuous integration. Vlatko还领导了移动或基于web的系统的实施和集成.


Microsoft SQL Server, AngularJS, Angular, .NET Core, Azure, ELK (Elastic Stack)...
Agile Software Development, Android, Java, Kotlin, Gradle...
ING Group
Java, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Scala, Spring, Docker, SonarQube, Jenkins, api...




Preferred Environment

Git, IntelliJ IDEA, Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, Docker, Kubernetes, Cloud Native, Android Studio

The most amazing...

...software I've built is a distributed, 容错实验室信息管理系统,集成实验室分析仪,用于实验室自动化.

Work Experience

Founder and Software Architect

2015 - PRESENT
  • 开发实验室信息管理系统(LIMS),每天处理超过10,000个样品.
  • 通过各种标准和定制协议将临床分析仪与LIMS集成.
  • 通过Jira收集和分析客户需求,组织和分发工作.
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, AngularJS, Angular, .NET Core, Azure, ELK (Elastic Stack), Apache Kafka, PostgreSQL, Cloud Native, Docker, Kubernetes, TypeScript, JavaScript, Angular Material, HL7, Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), HL7 FHIR Standard, Skaffold, Helm, SpiceDB, SQL, Architecture, REST, Authentication, WebSockets, Realtime, DICOM, REST APIs, ASP.. NET Core, HIPAA合规,数据库架构,CI/CD管道,云

Senior Software Engineer / Tech Lead

2019 - 2022
  • Led the Android mobile application development team.
  • 成功地将Android移动应用程序从Java迁移到Kotlin, MVVP architecture, DI, and Espresso-based UI tests.
  • Designed, worked on, 并监督基于缓存的移动应用程序离线使用的实现.
  • 使用aws操作的代理设置Dockerized Jenkins构建.
  • 改进了推送和邮件通知的通知微服务.
Technologies: Agile Software Development, Android, Java, Kotlin, Gradle, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Jenkins, Kubernetes, TypeScript, SonarQube, Packer, Espresso, Loopback, ObjectBox DB, Architecture, REST, Android Development, Android Jetpack, CI/CD Pipelines, Data Structures

Senior Software Engineer / Tech Lead

2018 - 2021
ING Group
  • 在欺诈和网络安全部门,领导为超过100万ING客户集成第三方安全硬件认证和授权手段.
  • 为api和微服务开发了有效且易于使用的日志和监控库,作为内部ING开发框架的补充. 它提供了相关的功能、技术、性能和审计规范日志.
  • 为安全兼容的移动登录创建下一代系统架构做出了贡献.
  • 对ING系统架构师创建的系统和软件架构进行技术评估.
  • 为api建立符合所有安全和风险要求的CI/CD.
  • 为欺诈和网络安全部门进行技术面试.
Technologies: Java, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Scala, Spring, Docker, SonarQube, Jenkins, api, Microservices, Polymer, Azure DevOps, Ansible, Cassandra, Gatling, Java 9, ELK (Elastic Stack), Spring MVC, Spring Security, Architecture, API Architecture, REST, Web Security, Mobile Security, Compliance, OWASP, Authentication, Authorization, REST APIs, Spring Boot, CI/CD Pipelines, Database Architecture, Cloud

Senior Software Engineer

2015 - 2021
It's All Group
  • Analyzed and estimated various project requirements.
  • 根据客户的业务需求提供技术建议和指导.
  • Developed a web-based talent recruitment software.
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS)、MongoDB、Microsoft SQL Server、Azure、Node.js, Android, Python, Java, ASP.NET, C#, .NET Core, Kotlin

Senior Software Engineer

2017 - 2019
  • 将一个混合Cordova和Java Android应用程序迁移到一个完全本地的Java Android应用程序.
  • 使用Jenkins和App Center为Android应用程序设置单元测试和自动化CI/CD过程.
  • 为将来的功能和产品开发提供反馈和技术建议.
Technologies: Android Studio, Java, Kotlin, Git, Agile, Jenkins, Jira, SonarQube, RxJava, Retrofit, Gradle, ObjectBox DB, Architecture, Authentication, Authorization, Android Development

Senior Software Engineer

2015 - 2017
ING Group | Payconiq
  • 领导Payconiq的Android应用程序的开发——设计和实现应用程序的架构/布局, the software development process, and best practices guide.
  • Defined and managed a continuous integration process. 使用Jenkins建立一个多分支管道,并将其集成到Jira中, Bitbucket Server, Sonar, and Slack.
  • 定义、设计和评估Payconiq的安全模型和强大的客户身份验证. Defined a security roadmap for Payconiq. Incorporated security into SDLC.
  • 根据PSD2指导了一个强大的客户身份验证实现.
  • 提供高级和详细的安全和风险评估.
  • 组织和管理对安全建议和实施的内部和外部审查.
  • Maintained a backlog of user stories grouped under epics.
  • 使用AngularJS和Node实现了第一个版本的web商户门户.js.
技术:Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Sonar、MongoDB、Jenkins、Node.js, Java, Android, AngularJS, Realm, Architecture, API Architecture, Web Security, Mobile Security, PSD2, Compliance, REST, Android Development, Maps, Google Maps

Software Engineer | Tech Lead

2012 - 2015
  • Led the development of Solaborate's Native Android app. 设计并实现了Solaborate的架构和布局以及后端REST API. 增加了对Solaborate的WebRTC视频和音频通话的支持.
  • 使用Sencha Touch开发了Solaborate的iOS和Android混合应用. 设计并实现了应用程序的前端架构和后端REST服务.
  • Built Solaborate's Windows 8.1 app using WinJS. 设计并实现应用程序的核心体系结构.
  • 领导了Solaborate实时协作模块的开发, including chat, plugin-free video, 或音频(一对一或会议)电话(点对点)集成屏幕和文件共享.
  • Developed a prototype for telecom software using AngularJS, 包括仪表板以及特定于用户和角色的权限. The prototype was i18n, 支持阿拉伯语,并有效地为LTR和RTL场景工作.
Technologies: Microsoft SQL Server, SignalR, Socket.IO, WebRTC, Node.js, JavaScript, Android, Java, ASP.NET, C#, SQL, SQLite, Cordova, APIs, .NET 4, Web API 2, .NET, C#.NET, ASP.NET MVC, Architecture, API Architecture, REST, RabbitMQ, Android Development, Realtime, Maps, Google Maps, WebSockets, REST APIs


我加强了免费教学和学习资源的门户网站,以支持马其顿语的文本到语音生成器, tts - mk使视障人士能够浏览门户, listen to resources, and attach new resources.


我做了一个门户网站的全面开发,分享免费的学习资源. It is possible to add multi-media learning materials (PDFs, Word and Excel documents, audio and video files) and share them with other students.


Java 9, Java, C#, JavaScript, CSS3, JavaScript 6, HTML5, T-SQL (Transact-SQL), SQL, Kotlin, TypeScript 2, Python, Python 3, Less, Scala, TypeScript, C#.NET


Spring Boot, Spring Security, ASP.NET Web API, Android SDK, ASP.NET MVC 6, AngularJS, ASP.NET, Angular, .NET Core, Express.js, NancyFx, Knockout (Knockout.js), Sencha Touch, Spring, ASP.NET MVC, .NET, Angular Material, Espresso, Loopback, Spring MVC, .NET 4, Realtime, ASP.NET Core


Node.js, jQuery, Socket.IO, WebRTC, SignalR, Pandas, TensorFlow, Polymer, RxJava, Retrofit, Web API 2, Google Maps, REST APIs


IntelliJ IDEA, Microsoft Visual Studio, RabbitMQ, Dapper, Jira, TFS, Git, Jenkins, Visual Studio 2015, Mongoose, Ninject, ELK (Elastic Stack), Bitbucket, SonarQube, Kibana, Visual Studio, Sonar, Windows Azure SDK, Jupyter, Ansible, Gatling, Helm, Android Studio, Gradle, Packer, Android Jetpack


Continuous Delivery (CD), REST, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Agile Software Development, Continuous Integration (CI), Model View Controller (MVC), Model View Presenter (MVP), Unit Testing, Test-driven Development (TDD), Event-driven Programming, Asynchronous Programming, Functional Programming, Microservices, Azure DevOps, Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR), HL7 FHIR Standard, Agile, API Architecture, HIPAA Compliance


Android, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Docker, MacOS, Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kubernetes, Cloud Native, NLog, Linux, Windows, Apache Kafka


SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Realm, Redis, MongoDB, MySQL, Elasticsearch, Cassandra, PostgreSQL, ObjectBox DB, Database Architecture


Full-stack Development, Software Architecture, Leadership, Domain-driven Design (DDD), OWIN, APIs, Web Services, HL7, Skaffold, SpiceDB, Cordova, Architecture, Web Security, Mobile Security, PSD2, Compliance, OWASP, Authentication, Authorization, Android Development, Maps, WebSockets, DICOM, CI/CD Pipelines, Data Structures, Cloud

2013 - 2017

Master of Science in Computer Engineering


2010 - 2013

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science


Collaboration That Works

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