Hafsa Maqsood Khan, Developer in Lahore, Pakistan
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Hafsa Maqsood Khan

Verified Expert  in Engineering

React Developer

Lahore, Pakistan
Toptal Member Since
September 19, 2022

Hafsa是一名熟练的全栈软件开发人员,拥有与初创公司合作的经验, product-based clients, and remote teams. 她专注于创新和敏捷的业务解决方案——过去的成功案例包括交付的自动化部署和Firestore集成的管道,以在运行时获取实时数据并减少服务器负载. Hafsa不害怕处理新技术,不断努力拓宽自己的技能,并发现将新知识应用到工作中的方法.


STB Software Development B.V.
CSS, React, TypeScript, HTML5,样式组件,React Redux, JavaScript...
Agile, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), API Integration, APIs, React, Node.js, Express.js...
Airlift Technologies
JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, NestJS, Kotlin, Docker, Snowflake, AWS Lambda...




Preferred Environment

Amazon Web Services (AWS), MacOS, GitHub, Slack, Skype

The most amazing...

...我开发了一个人工智能机器人,它可以记录和转录多个平台上的会议,比如Zoom和Google Meet,使用Puppeteer和nut.js.

Work Experience

React Developer

2022 - 2023
STB Software Development B.V.
  • 为稳定币加密货币开发了一个尖端的客户端门户, which enabled seamless integration of wallets and bank accounts, as well as streamlined buy and sell functionality for cryptocurrencies.
  • 通过为每个组件创建单元测试和故事,展示了对质量保证的敏锐眼光.
  • Implemented an advanced UI design system, 利用无头UI和样式组件,以确保基于原子设计方法的完全响应和视觉上令人惊叹的用户体验.
  • 集成谷歌登录导致一个流线型和安全的用户身份验证过程.
  • 发布了一个内部库,以促进使用Vite 4和SWC打包的多个门户之间UI组件的重用.
Technologies: CSS, React, TypeScript, HTML5,样式组件,React Redux, JavaScript, Front-end, Front-end Build Tools, Bower Front-end Dependency Manager, Atomic Design, Headless UI, Amazon Cognito

Senior Full-stack Developer

2022 - 2022
  • Solved legacy bugs in saving email drafts, which helped in improving customer and overall system reliability.
  • 将MUI从v4迁移到v5,从而可以使用版本5的高级特性.
  • 提高了发送批量电子邮件的效率,并为批量收件人实现了电子邮件模板的个性化, using handlebars and SendGrid.
  • 改进了响应时间,优化了Mongo查询,重构了api.
  • Implemented CI/CD pipeline for the deployment of a React app.
技术:敏捷、Amazon S3 (AWS S3)、API集成、API、React、Node.js, Express.js, Handlebars, SendGrid, Material UI, Antd, Distributed Architecture, ESLint, Twilio API, Bootstrap, Back-end, Back-end Development, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Software Architecture, CSS, HTML5, eCommerce, NoSQL, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), API Architecture, Architecture, Large-scale Projects, Authentication, Twilio, Web Architecture, Webpack, RxJS, REST, JSON REST APIs, JSON API, Unit Testing, Jest, AWS CodeDeploy, Webhooks, AWS CodePipeline, DocumentDB, Responsive, Front-end Development, Responsive UI, Scrum, Agile Software Development, Content Management Systems (CMS), Front-end Build Tools, GitHub

Senior Back-end Engineer

2021 - 2022
Airlift Technologies
  • 构建微服务数字化包装材料配送和消费解决方案,降低单单包装成本, using NestJS, Fastify, TypeORM, and Postgres.
  • 使用AWS SQS和事件代理简化了不同微服务之间的通信.
  • 在Redis中开发和部署Lua脚本,执行自定义原子操作.
  • Worked on internal packages, including caching in Redis, event broker messaging with SQS and protection with Auth Guard.
  • 部署Lambda函数,将用户数据从第三方api转储到Snowflake,为产品团队提供分析.
  • 创建了CDK管道来自动化和简化Lambda函数的部署.
  • Wrote test cases and maintained a test coverage of 85% using Jest, which helped inform breaking changes before time.
  • 使用MVVM架构和Firestore为Android应用开发了许多端到端功能,用于实时更新和推送通知.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, NestJS, Kotlin, Docker, Snowflake, AWS Lambda, Fastify, Express.js, API Integration, Microservices, Redis, Web Development, APIs, OpenAPI, Firebase, SCSS, Firebase Cloud Functions, Full-stack Development, Microservices Architecture, HTML DOM, PostgreSQL, Confluence, Jira, Apps, Software, Android, SQL, Full-stack, REST APIs, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Agile, TypeORM, Communication, Front-end, Event-driven Architecture, Distributed Architecture, Figma, Amazon RDS, ESLint, Enterprise, Enterprise Systems, Twilio API, Bootstrap, Back-end, Back-end Development, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Build Automation, Software Architecture, Design Patterns, Software Design Patterns, CSS, HTML5, eCommerce, Online Ordering, Microsoft SQL Server, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), API Architecture, Google Cloud, Architecture, Large-scale Projects, Authentication, Twilio, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Web Architecture, Webpack, JSON, REST, Test-driven Development (TDD), JSON REST APIs, JSON API, Unit Testing, Jest, AWS CodeDeploy, Webhooks, AWS CodePipeline, Responsive, DigitalOcean, Front-end Development, Relational Databases, Responsive UI, Amazon DynamoDB, Serverless, Serverless Architecture, Lambda Functions, Scrum, Agile Software Development, Content Management Systems (CMS), Serverless Framework, GitHub

Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2021
An Online Freelance Agency
  • Designed, architected, 并使用React从零开始为一家房地产公司开发了网站, TypeScript, NestJS, and MongoDB.
  • 通过使用Next开发登陆站点,增强了SEO和用户体验.js.
  • Internationalized the React and Next.js app using i18n to reach potential customers across the globe.
  • 实现了Stripe集成,用于处理月度和年度订阅.
  • 使用带有取消令牌的Axios集成了一个REST API,以减少重复调用的网络负载.
  • 领导和设计新手训练营,培训多达5名开发人员.
  • 使用Amazon SES创建邮件传递服务,以减少邮件传递时间.
  • 通过添加将媒体保存到AWS S3的支持,优化了服务器内存使用.
  • 通过添加延迟加载、Gzip压缩和代码可重用性,减少了网站的加载时间.
  • 通过为供应商添加对动态子域和主题的支持,增强了用户体验.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, React, Next.js, Node.js, NestJS, Express.js, Docker, API Integration, Microservices, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), HTML, CSSinJS, MongoDB, Web Development, APIs, OpenAPI, Firebase, SCSS, Firebase Cloud Functions, Full-stack Development, Redux, Single-page Applications (SPA), HTML DOM, Redux Thunk, React Router, Material UI, Jira, Apps, Software, SQL, GitLab CI/CD, Full-stack, React Redux, REST APIs, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Agile, Communication, Front-end, MySQL, Figma, Chakra UI, ESLint, Enterprise, Enterprise Systems, Twilio API, Bootstrap, Back-end Development, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), CSS, HTML5, NoSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), API Architecture, Google Analytics, Google Cloud, Tailwind CSS, Architecture, Authentication, Twilio, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Server-side Rendering (SSR), Web Architecture, Webpack, JSON, Axios, RxJS, REST, Test-driven Development (TDD), JSON REST APIs, JSON API, Unit Testing, Jest, Webhooks, AWS CodePipeline, GraphQL, Vue, Responsive, Mapbox, Front-end Development, Relational Databases, Responsive UI, AWS Lambda, Serverless, Serverless Architecture, Lambda Functions, Scrum, Agile Software Development, Content Management Systems (CMS), GitHub

Full-stack Developer

2020 - 2021
Fireflies AI
  • 通过将仪表板应用程序从React v15迁移到v17,将加载时间减少了四倍, along with code optimization and refactoring.
  • Developed a microservice using Puppeteer, nut.js, 以及使用Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)为Zoom和Google Meets记录和转录会议的验证码求解器.
  • 实现了用于客户支持和调试自动化的Slack命令.
  • 发布自定义位包,作为跨不同微服务的依赖项使用.
  • Created a landing site using Next.js, wrote test cases using the React Testing library, and assured 90% test coverage, leading to a 20% increase in lead generation.
  • 通过将Sentry和New Relic警报与PagerDuty集成,改进了系统的整体可靠性和自动警报.
Technologies: Node.js, Express.js, React, Next.js, Puppeteer, Web Development, APIs, SCSS, Full-stack Development, Microservices Architecture, Redux, HTML DOM, React Router, Apps, Software, Linux, JavaScript, Full-stack, REST APIs, Agile, Communication, Front-end, Event-driven Architecture, Distributed Architecture, Figma, ESLint, Enterprise, Enterprise Systems, Bootstrap, Back-end, Back-end Development, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Build Automation, Software Architecture, Software Design Patterns, CSS, HTML5, NoSQL, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), API Architecture, Tailwind CSS, Architecture, Large-scale Projects, Authentication, Twilio, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Web Architecture, Webpack, JSON, Vercel, RxJS, REST, JSON REST APIs, JSON API, Unit Testing, Jest, Webhooks, Responsive, Front-end Development, Responsive UI, Scrum, Atomic Design, Agile Software Development, Content Management Systems (CMS), Front-end Build Tools, Meteor, GitHub


这是一款网络应用程序,房东可以通过视频通话安排3D虚拟之旅,作为对租赁空间的首次访问,以更好地衡量用户对租赁空间的需求. 这款应用程序的目标是房地产机构跟踪租赁空间,并简化和自动化租赁过程. It was developed using React, NestJS, TypeScript, MongoDB, and AWS to deploy, send emails, 并与集成的谷歌分析存储媒体,以优化用户体验. 该应用程序节省了经纪人和潜在客户访问多个空间的旅行时间, making it a convenient tool for the pandemic and post-pandemic periods.

Sbitany B2B

一个与ERP系统相连的网络应用程序使批发经销商能够以标准价格在线购买产品, saving buyers from the hassle of product hunting. The app was developed on the MERN stack using APIs from the ERP system. The solution was developed for Sbitany, an industry leader in electrical home appliances' retail and wholesale, revolutionizing wholesale dealers' retail experience. The application helped the client target the larger market, standardized product prices globally, and revolutionized the retail experience.


JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, SQL, GraphQL, SCSS, HTML5, c++, c#, Python, Kotlin, Snowflake


Express.js, Next.js、Redux、Material UI、Bootstrap、顺风CSS、Jest、无服务器框架、fasttify、NestJS、 .NET


React, Node.js, CSSinJS, React Redux, REST APIs, OpenAPI, React Router, Twilio API, RxJS, JSON API, Puppeteer, Vue, Handlebars, Antd


Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Slack, Skype, Redux Thunk, Confluence, Jira, Figma, Google Analytics, Webpack, AWS CodeDeploy, Front-end Build Tools, NGINX, PM2, GitHub, GitLab CI/CD, Firebase Authentication, SendGrid, Bower Front-end Dependency Manager, Amazon Cognito


Microservices, Agile, Microservices Architecture, HTML DOM, Event-driven Architecture, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Design Patterns, API Architecture, Web Architecture, REST, Test-driven Development (TDD), Unit Testing, Responsive, Serverless Architecture, Scrum, Agile Software Development


AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Firebase, Software Design Patterns, Twilio, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Vercel, Mapbox, Docker, MacOS, DigitalOcean, Meteor, Linux, Android


MongoDB, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MySQL, NoSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Google Cloud, JSON, Relational Databases, Redis, PostgreSQL, Amazon DynamoDB


Styled-components, API Integration, Full-stack, Web Development, APIs, Firebase Cloud Functions, Full-stack Development, Hybrid Frameworks, Single-page Applications (SPA), Software, Front-end, Distributed Architecture, Chakra UI, ESLint, Enterprise, Enterprise Systems, Back-end, Back-end Development, Build Automation, Software Architecture, eCommerce, Online Ordering, User Experience (UX), User Interface (UI), Architecture, Large-scale Projects, Authentication, Server-side Rendering (SSR), JSON REST APIs, Video Streaming, Webhooks, AWS CodePipeline, Front-end Development, Responsive UI, Serverless, Lambda Functions, Atomic Design, Content Management Systems (CMS), Minimum Viable Product (MVP), TypeORM, Apps, Amazon RDS, Communication, Axios, DocumentDB, Headless UI

2016 - 2020

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

University of Engineering and Technology - Lahore, Pakistan

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